About Us
As an animal lover before I could even walk and talk, it came as no surprise to my family that my lifelong career would be as a Veterinary Nurse. After I completed my degree and for over 30 Years, I nursed within a variety of clinics, from rural mixed practice, emergency centres, equine clinics and my last role nursing for a canine reproduction specialist. I have taken my extensive knowledge and experience and applied it to all aspects of my breeding programme. When I am available, I am constantly referred difficult whelping situations and compromised neonate puppies to raise, which I find incredibly rewarding to be able to assist other breeders.
I was first introduced to the Boston Terrier on a working holiday in the USA…… 10 minutes with them and I was addicted!
I competitively showed horses all my life, specializing in Halter of American Quarter Horses and American Paint Horses. I achieved great success and many a beautiful champion horse adorned my paddocks. After a devastating knee injury and subsequent retirement from this hobby, it seemed a natural progression to go into showing dogs. As the Boston Terrier remained very dear to me for over 20 Years, I knew that this little "American Gentleman" was the breed for me, and Shebos Boston Terriers evolved.
Most weekends will find me exhibiting my dogs at shows. My first Boston Terrier to show, “Barry” (Aust. CH / Aust. Neut. CH Tipland Eye Of Th Tiger) was a fabulous and successful dog for me to learn with, gaining his Australian Champion Title in only 11 All Breeds Shows which included a Best In Group and Minor Puppy In Show at only his second outing. Now a neuter, he still pops along to most shows, has been awarded a Best Neuter In Specialty Show and multiple Best Neuter In Show and is nearing his Grand Neuter Title. I will be forever grateful to his breeder Mrs Sue Athey , Tipland Boston’s, for trusting me and giving me the opportunity to own and campaign him.
I welcome visitors to our home to come and meet myself and my dogs. I hope you enjoy the site and if you have any questions please feel free to contact me.
Michelle Gorman
Shebos Boston Terriers